Muse, We are servants of the Mystery. We were put here on earth to act as agents of the Infinite, to bring into existence that which is not yet, but which will be, through us. Every breath we take, every heartbeat, every evolution of every cell comes from God and is sustained by God every second, just as every creation, invention, every bar of music or line of verse, every thought, vision, fantasy, every dumb-ass flop and stroke of genius comes from that infinite intelligence that created us and the universe in all its dimensions, out of the Void, the field of infinite potential, primal chaos, the Muse. To acknowledge that reality, to efface all ego, to let the work come through us and give it back freely to its source, that, in my opinion, is as true to reality as it gets. . Steven Pressfield
About This Quote

The Muse is a female spirit, a personification of an idea or concept, a divine inspiration that inspires a writer, musician or artist to create. She is the one who “puts the fire in your belly.” The muse is the spiritual side of creativity. In classical mythology, she was originally a goddess of music and poetry. In modern times, she has been adapted into a more modern form.

Artists and musicians often say that their muse inspires them to do what they do. In some cases, the muse is a woman with long golden hair and a flowing gown with stars on it. In other cases, it can be a man in a black cloak with a staff and an aura of mystery around him.

Source: The War Of Art: Break Through The Blocks & Win Your Inner Creative Battles

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More Quotes By Steven Pressfield
  1. A cavalryman's horse should be smarter than he is. But the horse must never be alowed to know this.

  2. A horse must be a bit mad to be a good cavalry mount, and its rider must be completely so.

  3. The most important thing about art is to work. Nothing else matters except sitting down every day and trying.

  4. We must do our work for its own sake, not for fortune or attention or applause.

  5. Next morning I went over to Paul’s for coffee and told him I had finished. “Good for you, ” he said without looking up. “Start the next one today.

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